Anxiety & Panic Attacks

You are probably here
because you are
suffering from anxiety.

Are you feeling anxious, stressed, worried and wishing you could have your life back?

Are you feeling overwhelmed and suffocated?

Are these feelings negatively affecting almost everything you do? 

You’ve come to the right place to get some help…

Symptoms of Anxiety and Panic Attacks can include:

  • Unexplained nervousness
  • Constant undercurrent of worry
  • Irrational or intrusive thoughts
  • Racing heart / palpitations
  • Difficulty breathing / shortness of breath
  • Sweating (or chills)
  • Hands curling up or clawing
  • Feeling nauseous
  • Feeling faint
  • Feeling dizzy
  • Feeling as though you are going to die
Having a panic attack can be extremely frightening. Consequently, some people can become withdrawn and depressed as they change their lives dramatically to try and avoid the situations that can trigger the panic.
How therapy can help with anxiety…

Counselling helps because often, talking to a therapist about how you feel can help to relieve some of the symptoms.

Hypnosis is very relaxing and can help reduce some of the symptoms and increase a feeling of general well-being. Hypnotherapy can help to neutralise the triggers which drive the anxious response.

Hypno-Psychotherapy for anxiety can help you understand what is happening to you when you feel anxious, and help you respond in a more positive manner to the triggers, so relieving and reducing the symptoms.

There are several therapeutic techniques that are effective in identifying the real causes behind the anxiety. Once they have been uncovered and properly dealt with, the symptoms can fade away as they no longer have anything driving them. A little bit like unpicking the stitching and the anxiety gently dissolving and falling away.

Stress is something that we all experience from time to time, and many people can cope, most of the time with an average amount of stress. But what happens when those feelings of stress don’t go away, or if they begin to turn to feelings of anxiety?  And what happens if those feelings of anxiety increase, to the extent that we no longer feel that we can deal with everyday situations?  That is when it may have become a General Anxiety Disorder.

Click Here to find out more about stress management.

Symptoms of General Anxiety Disorder can include:

  • Feeling on edge
  • Constant worry
  • Heart palpitations
  • Tension
  • Irritability
  • Exhaustion
  • Concentration problems
  • Sleep problems
  • Nervousness

What Causes Anxiety? Fear.

Our minds and bodies react to the fear (whether it is real or perceived), causing the symptoms we experience when we are anxious. Sometimes, when the fear stops, the symptoms continue. We then become afraid of the symptoms, and ultimately, we have a fear of fear and start to experience the symptoms when there is nothing to be afraid of.

If left untreated, General Anxiety Disorder can become chronic and may lead to Panic Attacks (or Anxiety Attacks).

Types of Anxiety Disorders:

  • Panic Disorder
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Phobic Disorders
  • General Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Contact me for a no-obligation chat about how therapy can help you overcome anxiety and get back to living your life.

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